Development History of Little Monkey
Here you will find out what has already happened. This is just a repeat of
the "Whats happening this week" updates.
Week (12/06/99):
38 wks gestation 40 wks LMP!
Length: about 20-21 inches from head to toe.
Weight: about 7 1/2 lbs.
Baby may even wait up to 2 more weeks to come out.
The umbilical cord is 20-inches and will support baby through birth until the lungs take over.
Fingernails extend beyond fingertips.
Week (11/29/99):
37 wks gestation 39 wks LMP
Length: about 35 cm crown to rump (48.5 cm or 19 inches head to toe).
Weight: about 3150 gms or 7 lbs. (but could be 1-3 pounds larger).
Vernix mostly gone now.
Heel creases present - a sign of fetal maturity.
Only five percent of babies are born on their due date so birth could happen any time.
Week (11/22/99):
36 wks gestation 38 wks LMP
Length: 34 cm crown to rump (47.5 cm or 18 1/2 inches head to toe).
Weight: 2900 gms or about 6 1/2 lbs.
Baby is fairly plump now.
Lanugo hair mostly gone except tops of shoulders and back.
Toenails reach tips of toes.
Week (11/15/99):
35 wks gestation 37 wks LMP
Length: 33 cm crown to rump (about 45 cm or 17 1/2 inches head to toe).
Weight: 2700 gms or 6 lbs.
Earliest date of full-term birth: get ready!
(Maybe we should start packing?)
Week (11/08/99):
34 wks gestation 36 wk LMP
Length: 32 cm crown to rump (44 cm or 17 1/4 inches head to toe).
Weight: 2500 gms or about 5 lbs. 9 oz.
The last month of gestation begins!
Baby gains weight most rapidly during this month:
about 1/2 - 3/4 lb. per week.
Baby settles into mom's pelvis, a process called lightening or engagement which makes mom's breathing easier; baby's new position doesn't stop her from kicking and punching (especialy Katie's bladder).
Week (11/01/99):
33 wks gestation 35 wks LMP
Length: about 31 cm crown to rump (42.5 cm or 16 1/2 inches head to toe).
Weight: 2300 gms or about 5 lbs.
Baby is putting on fat and things are getting cramped inside.
Almost time to come out!
If labor started, it probably wouldn't be medically stopped as baby has an excellent chance now.
Katie's hemoglobin (iron) is coming back up. Little Monkey is done taking most of the iron he/she needs from mommy.
Week (10/25/99):
32 wks gestation 34 wks LMP
Length: 30 cm crown to rump (about 41 cm or 16 inches head to toe).
Weight: about 2100 gms or 4 lbs. 11 oz.
Fingernails reach the tips of the fingernails.
Skin is pink and smooth.
Baby begins to develop sleeping patterns.
Week (10/18/99):
31 wks gestation 33 wks LMP
Length: 29 cm crown to rump (40 cm or 15 3/4 inches head to toe).
Weight: about 1900 gms or 4 lbs. 5 oz.
Baby's pupil will now constrict if light is shined in eye.
Week (10/11/99):
30 wks gestation 32 wk LMP
Length: 28 cm crown to rump (39 cm or 15 1/4 inche head to toe).
Weight: about 1700 gms or about 3 lb 12 oz.
Almost a 1/2 pound increase over last week!
Baby is able to hear sound and is getting accustomed to family voices.
Try reading to baby, like the Cat in the Hat (I have been looking for Curious George books - shane). It can be fun to connect prenatally.
Testes descending from the abdomen, if it's a boy.
Baby's brain and nerves are developing, and directing bodily functions.
Week (10/04/99):
29 wks gestation 31 wks LMP
Length: 27.5 cm crown to rump (37.5 cm or about 14 3/4 inches head to toe).
Weight: about 1500 gms (3 1/3 lbs)
Beginning of third trimester!
Baby comforts by sucking thumb. Grasp is well developed and he may even grasp the umbilical cord at times.
Babies born weighing 1500 gm and 2500 gm can survive but can face respiratory distress, and other problems.
(Translation: Little Monkey could survive if born at this time!)
Week (09/27/99):
28 wks gestation 30 wks LMP
Length: 27 cm crown to rump (36 cm or 14 inches head to toe). Weight: about 1300 gm or 3 lbs.
Skin is slightly wrinkled and eyes are wide open.
Good head of hair often present at this point.
Week (09/20/99):
27 wks gestation 29 wks LMP
Length: about 26 cm crown to rump (35 cm or 13 3/4 inches head to toe).
Weight: approx. 1150 gm.
Baby's lungs are developed enough to breathe air fairly efficiently
but he or she would tire rapidly.
Toenails now visible.
Baby likes to suck thumb and is developing a layer of fat under skin.
Week (09/13/99)
26 wks gestation 28 wks LMP
Length: 25 cm crown to rump (33 cm or almost 13 inches head to toe).
Weight: about 1000 gm.
Baby's eyelids open and eyelashes are present.
Week (09/06/99)
25 wks gestation 27 wks LMP Length: 24 cm crown to rump
(32.5 cm or almost 12 1/2 inches head to toe).
Weight: about 910 gm.
Week (08/30/99)
24 wks gestation 26 wks LMP Length: 23 cm crown to rump (31 cm or 12 inches hea d to toe).
Weight: about 800 gm or 1 lb 12 oz.
Fingernails are now present.
Lungs begin to manufacture surfactant, a substance that keeps lung tissue from s ticking to itself.
Week (08/23/99)
23 wk gestation 25 wk LMP
Length: 22 cm crown to rump (30 cm or 11 3/4 inches head to toe).
Weight: about 700 gm.
Blink-startle responses have been reported when baby hears a loud noise.